Adi Putro

July 24, 2019


Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show ke 27 telah digelar di ICE BSD City Tangerang pada tanggal 18 - 28 Juli 2019. Banyak produk otomotif yang dipamerkan, termasuk bus dari perusahaan karoseri Adi Putro.
July 3, 2019

Program 5R Gudang AP

Malang – Rabu, 3 Juli 2019. Suatu perusahaan pasti mengharapkan lingkungan kerja yang selalu rapi, bersih, dan disiplin dari tiap-tiap orang sehingga mampu menciptakan tingkat efisiensi dan produktifitas yang tinggi di perusahaan. Namun pada kenyataannya, di banyak perusahaan, kondisi ini sangat sulit dicapai.
April 10, 2019

KITE Facility

Malang – Tuesday, 9 April 2019. Today, PT Adiputro Wirasejati is given KITE facility from Customs and Excise. This is the first KITE facility given in DJBC Jawa Timur region II. KITE is a facility from the government to increase export from Indonesia.
March 12, 2019

Diplomatic Outreach 2019

Malang – Tuesday, 5 March 2019, PT Adiputro Wirasejati had an opportunity to receive diplomatic visits from Ambassadors of the Middle East. The visitation was organized by the District Government of Blitar in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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